Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Planet 51 Movie and Related Toys - The Soldiers

Planet 51, one of the best animated motion pictures this has just been put out. The movie, which has the voice performances of people like Dwayne Johnson and Jessica Biel has hit the cinemas running. In its wake the movie has left several cheering fans that want more of the fantastic movie and are already lunging for the Planet 51 toys. The cinemas were packed with boys and girls watching the movie. The movie has garnered high views on several different ratings poles and multiple persons have recommended it. When enjoying the Planet 51 movie you will see a star studded voice cast and brilliant animation. In addition new Planet51 toys, clothing and even Planet 51 video games are being released with this new and fantastic film.

The Planet 51 movie was made in Spain and directed by Jorge Blanco. The movie was in cinemas as of November, 20th of this year. Many people have flocked to the theaters to watch this motion picture. The Planet 51 movie follows the challenges of an spaceman being lost on an alien planet that he did not know was occupied. The astronaut is trailed around by soldiers that are frightened that he will make them into zombies. He makes many different friends on Planet 51 who help him get back to his native planet of Earth. The movie has some extremely funny scenes and sure to keep even the elders in stitches.

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During the height of the story, Chuck the astronaut from Earth is being harassed by some of the "funny" resident military soldiers from Planet 51. these two Planet 51 "aliens" are very naive and in no time Chuck persuades the soldiers that they are under his will. He dupes the soldiers into believing that he control them and they have to help him break out. The soldiers follow him blindly not noticing that they are being tricked. The soldiers even help hide Chuck in the video store doing anything that they are being told to do.

The Planet 51 aliens conceal Chuck and Lem, Chucks Planet 51 pal, and help them get from point A to point B several times in the Planet 51 movie, but ultimately General Grawl, the rigid general, catches up to them. They are spotted at a costume party. Chuck is easy to see among all the other soldiers, as he has the United States Flag on his costume. General Grawl has a blunt attitude towards Chuck as he does not want to be a zombie and has no wish to deal with Chuck or anyone else from Earth for that matter. He has his soldiers hold Chuck and the gang. He has Professor Kripple look at all involved and his proposal is to cut apart everyone's brains, supposing that Chuck had turned everyone into a zombie. Chuck, not wanting Lem to go through this seemed like he freed Lem from his zombie spell. This is enough to sway Kripple and General Grawl that Lem is not a zombie and they release him. They capture Chuck and Rover as well as the two soldiers who still believe that they are zombies.

Later on in the Planet 51 movie, when Lem and his gang are caught by the soldiers to Base 9, which is Planet 51's secret base, the movie shows the two soldiers brains passing by. You later see the two soldiers talking like nothing happened endeavoring to sip drinks. They were not able to find their mouths. This adds a moment of humor to the movie. You also see several different soldiers on the Planet 51's Base 9 as well.

As the movie goes on, Chuck, who is took to be interviewed by General Grawl has a chain of command in the room with them. He tells Chuck that he cannot escape because there is a immense plan. If he steps away, one solider will fire at the other, the next soldier will shoot the other, so on and so forth until they arrive at the last guy who is supposed to electrocute everyone. This leads to the soldiers all getting confused and a huge dispute ensues. Needless to say those soldiers get shot at and electrocuted making the General very upset. He then commands the soldiers to take Chuck away to have his brain taken out. Luckily for Chuck he is freed and they all live happily ever after, even General Grawl.

The Planet 51 movie is a terrific film for any child and elder as well. When your little child sees this motion picture, they are sure to want some of the Planet51 toys that are being released with it, especially the boys will like soldiers and the Military truck & tank toy. Since the Planet 51 movie it is new, not a whole lot of toys are for sale but there are several that are out. One of the best toys out is the 3 inch figure soldier. You can find these by creating a search online for Planet 51 3 inch figure soldiers. those will be wonderful for your boy to play with as the figurines are replicas of the soldiers found on Planet 51. You will be able to locate those toys at several different places. Performing a search online is probably the most convenient way to go to find the Planet51 toys.

After purchasing those Planet 51 3 inch figure soldiers, you can persuade your children to mimic the Planet 51 movie scenes. They could mimic the movie scene where the soldiers transform into zombies. Your kids copying this scene is sure to get laughs as well as help them with their memory skills. They can also have their soldiers leave on new tasks on their own Planet 51 at home. Maybe they could go on a task to find their now dissected brains, somewhere hidden on Planet 51. Or maybe a quest to find other Earthly artifacts on their Planet 51 or maybe even a watch for when Chuck flies back home. Try to direct them a little into following part of the movie's "message"; Soldiers do not shoot and kill but protect, go on missions and can be funny guys.

Keep watching the online markets for the Planet51 toys. As the Planet 51 movie gets more popular and is released on DVD you will discover more and more toys, in addition to your toy soldiers. Simply keep searching for Planet51 toys and you will discover multiple different ones to choose from including the 3 inch soldier figurines. I know that Amazon has got all the Planet51 toys, including the models Chuck, Lem, the Mini Bump & Go Rover and the 3 inch soldier figurines; these toy soldiers are exact replicas of the habitants of Planet 51. You will also buy the mini vehicle figure 2-pack Military truck & tank toy. All Planet51 toys are very well made and very durable. The toys look just like the items that are utilized in the movie. these toys are quite new and can be somewhat troublesome to purchase, and may be even out of order already, but once you one make sure you purchase it before others do. Although this may not be enough and you may need to buy a few other Planet51 toys to start the collection. His/Her Birthday may be close too, and you will already have a clue on what item to select, Guess what? Another few Planet51 toys!

The Planet51 toys will make several different children pleased all year long. It is a wonderful film and if you have not watched it yet, be sure to view it as soon as you can. Be sure to watch it as soon as you can - it is a fantastic movie and if you have not watched it yet!

In case you are having problems getting you hands on the toys, because they are out of stock, you may want to bookmark the below Gift Alert Web site. It monitors up to 6 Amazon sites for you. When the product becomes available it will send you an immediate audio alert and open up the product page automatically for you. Ready for you to grab it, before others do.

The Planet 51 Movie and Related Toys - The Soldiers

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